Modern Bold Swiss Elements Red Floral Shape


We are goats, that wear a hat, on base.

CA: 0x6b82297c6f1f9c3b1f501450d2ee7c37667ab70d

Simple Telegram Icon
shape icon
hat gradient icon

Launched On WAGMI Launchpad

A goat clicked 3 buttons on a frame on Warpcast, and $GIF was born.

WAGMI is a fairlaunch platform (no presale and no team allocation). They automatically lock the LP on their launchpad during launch.


Orange Beanie Isolated on White
Goat Lineart

the hat stays on

What does the hat symbolize?

It symbolizes being onchain and being part of our movement.

What is our movement?

Bringing the world onchain, one goat at a time!

Come join the community. We’re doing things the OG way, and we’re here to make memecoins fun again.


$GIF is the ticker

Base Ecosystem

0% Team allocation

0% presale

100% Tokens allocated to the market (fairlaunch)

Community Driven

We build on base

Billy The Meme Generator

Our in-house developers have developed a Telegram meme generator, where the community can come create images as per their imagination! Come try it out on our official Telegram Chat!

Mini Games

We are currently developing games onchain! This is a fun way of getting communities involved and win prizes! More information will be provided soon.

Warpcast Frames - coming soon!

We love Warpcast! We are developing some fun, interactive frames on Warpcast!

NFT’s - coming soon!

Our designers have created a collection of NFT’s called “Based Alpha Goat Shelter” aka BAGS. The collection will be more than just a pfp! More information on the launch of this collection will be provided soon!

hat gradient icon

Partners & Collaborators

question mark
Goat Lineart

Want to be an official partner or collaborator?

If you believe you can bring value to $GIF, reach out to us on our socials! Just make sure you know how to baaaaa!

“He Who owns the $gif, owns the world”

the hat stays on! baaaaaaaaaa!

A true base legend, who wears a hat! Well known in this space for his deep involvement in the Base ecosystem. Poet is an official Collaborator and Advisor to $GIF.

One of the first YouTubers to speak about base on YouTube. An early base maxi, and one who always wears the hat, now officially wears a hat on base and is key for providing $GIF a presence on YouTube.

Currently: onboarding goats

Destination: Goathalla

Simple Telegram Icon
shape icon